Monday, March 30, 2009

Chloe's Fourth Entry:

I am sad. I went outside today and there was no more white cold stuff on the ground. I love that white cold stuff. It makes me smile real big to put my nose in it and run as fast I can. Daddy calls "snowplow", but I just like how it makes my nose and ears feel. I could do it for hours. I miss that white cold stuff and hope it comes back soon.

My Thoughts:

Until you have seen it in person, a description of Snowplowing does not do it justice. As winter is likely past us now, I will have to try to remember to get video of it next winter. My dog is such a dork.

1 comment:

  1. FYI: If it snows now I'm going to have to restrain myself from kicking that dog. I'm just sayin.
