Monday, March 30, 2009

Chloe's Fourth Entry:

I am sad. I went outside today and there was no more white cold stuff on the ground. I love that white cold stuff. It makes me smile real big to put my nose in it and run as fast I can. Daddy calls "snowplow", but I just like how it makes my nose and ears feel. I could do it for hours. I miss that white cold stuff and hope it comes back soon.

My Thoughts:

Until you have seen it in person, a description of Snowplowing does not do it justice. As winter is likely past us now, I will have to try to remember to get video of it next winter. My dog is such a dork.
Chloe's Third Entry:

The hu-mon that Dad calls "Midget" left bread on the counter again. I LOVE BREAD! I know I'm not supposed to get up on the counter, but IT WAS BREAD! I LOVE BREAD! I got the bread down and ate it all because I LOVE BREAD! Dad yelled at me for getting the bread, but I was very excited because I LOVE BREAD!

My thoughts:
You have no idea how much Chloe loves bread. I don't know why and don't know when or how it started, but the dog is insane over bread. She's usually not naughty about getting into the garbage or on the counter, but if there is bread within reach and we're not paying attention she WILL GET IT. Sadly, this entry will likely be repeated numerous times in her journal because Midget forgets to put things away - much to the Fat One's delight.
Chloe's Second Entry:

Dad called me fat today. I'm not exactly sure what that means, but it certainly got me excited - and hungry! I ate more than usual, rubbed my face on the floor and went to sleep.

My thoughts: Chloe IS fat. Even her tail is fat. She's spoiled and lazy and FAT.
Chloe's First Entry:

I slept all day in the kennel with my brother. He started barking so I thumped him and went back to sleep. Dad came home and I got excited, ate and went back to sleep. Oh, and I rubbed my face on the floor.

My thoughts:
You have to know Chloe to appreciate this entry. When she says she thumped her brother, she means it. She's over 100lbs and he's about 15 after a big meal. When he starts annoying her, she just lifts her paw and drops it on him - pinning him to the floor. After a period of time she'll let him up, but only after she's convinced he'll stop being a pain in the ass for awhile.

The beginning

I recently found out that my Golden Retriever has been keeping a journal. She's more lazy than I am, so there aren't many entries, but I'll post the ones I have been able to translate. It also has me thinking that my other pets might be keeping journals. I'll have to do some more digging and see what I can come up with.